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How much will Iota cost in 2028?

Based on our IOTA price prediction model for 2028, IOTA could trade between a minimum price of $1.66 and a maximum price of IOTA Token of $2.01. The expected average price is $1.72. Being one of the best-performing digital coins in the crypto market, there would be a huge demand for the token in the future, leading to a massive increase in price.

What is Iota's price prediction?

IOTA has surged by more than 56 percent in the last two days. At $1.55, the coin is still trading about 70 percent below its all-time high of $5.25. Amid this context, investors want to know about IOTA's price prediction.

Is Iota a good long-term investment?

In its IOTA coin price prediction Wallet Investor viewed IOTA as an “awesome” long-term investment. It estimates MIOTA may hit $1.12 within 12 months and climb up to $2.88 in five years. Digital Coin's MIOTA price prediction said the coin could average $0.8 in 2022, move up to $0.89 in 2023, $1.18 in 2025 and eventually hit $2.8 in 2030.

What is Iota's future plan?

Iota’s future plan is to increase the adoption of the IOTA (MIOTA). This IOTA foundation will lead to an increase in the market price of Iota and market demand. IOTA price prediction shows the long-term IOTA forecast to be favorable. What is expected from IOTA for the coming years?

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